Ideally, food provides both energy and other substances called micronutrients, such as vitamins and minerals.
Germinated seeds,
a powerful source of nutritious substances
You have definitely seen in various hypermarkets or even kitchens the small, bright green colored little grains.
About tasty,
as well as healthy desserts
“Desserts don’t reach the stomach, they go straight to the heart”. This is something we all say, perhaps because it is true, however we take it.
How to hydrate
properly and why?
Our body depends on water in order to survive. Each cell, tissue or organ needs water.
Kale, the favorite
of American millionaires
With its colors ranging from green to violet, having smooth or crinkled leaves and being related with the Romanian cabbage, the broccoli, the cauliflower or the brussel sprouts, kale is one the most nutritious foods on earth.
Health benefits
of strawberries
Known as wild fruits by the ancient Greeks and Romans, and highly valued in the Middle Ages, strawberries (Fragraria ananassa) have been grown in European gardens only since the 18th century. They are in .fact a hybrid between wild strawberries from North America and Chile
The benefits of natural carbohydrates
– chickpeas, beans, lentils
Did you know that the daily calories intake from carbohydrates represents 50-60% of the daily necessary calories? Did you know these are a main energy source for our bodies?
How to get a
healthy energy boost in summer
Spring has brought with it not just the sun, but also a wealth of vegetables and fruits full of vitamins and color.